Saturday, March 18, 2006

Missin' De Bahamas

It's been November since I've been to the Family Islands. It's got a special place in my heart that pulls at me- gently, but firmly. For those that don't speak Spanish, Baja Mar or shallow sea was the basis of the name of this island nation: flats galore for the flats angler, and possibly the largest collections of bonefishery habitats in the world.

Do not ever make the mistake of thinking the Bahamas bones are the little silver Bananas that Keys anglers chuckle at- that's a bit more the case in the Yucatan Peninsula off the Quintana Roo State coast. Green Turtle Cay off Abaco and Mayaguana offer daily shots at trophy bonefish that are common to these areas. I personally cast to a school of about a 100 fish off Manjack Cay where all the fish looked over ten pounds- the fish I plucked from that school and released was easily ten pounds.

The skiffs may be slicker in the Keys, but the Bahamas have their own unique magic. I'll always be on the prowl to collect the magic of each new island- its features, fishing, and unique character. Next stop, Deadmans Cay, Long Island!


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