Special Announcement by Chuck Corbett:
Fishing and/or Surfing Charters will also be offered for Fanning Island.
In Contrast to Christmas Island, Fanning Island has little or no fishing pressure.
New Special Fanning Prices, Xmas Pricing
(Contact Chuck Corbett at: wdb5608@sailmail.com)
Chuck will be working the with the Fanning tribal council to provide a new a new bonefishing and light tackle charter service.
This will involve a 4 bone fishermen maximum per trip.
This will begin with some tree house lodging right on the edge of the jungle on the two best locations for bones.
This includes 3 meals a day....a little "rough" but truly South Pacific paradise.
To recap, in promoting the fishing at Fanning Island, there will be no hotel or air conditioned lodge, but will have tree house lodging. This will be run by the council for the people. This will be a flats fishing and light tackle venue sure to appeal to adventurers.
Naan will be our head Fanning guide.
He is here now and says hi to old friends like you and the new friends we shall meet.
Introductory Surf and Fishing packages:
Fanning Island$1,699..single Bookings.
Two weeks includes:
*Transport From Christmas Island to Fanning and Back to Christmas by yacht or government ship.
*10.5 days on Fanning.
*Surf Use License.
*Accommodation in The Tabuaeran Island Council Surf and Fish lodges, right on the beach. or the best fishing spot.
*3 meals a day....very basic
*2 week extensions possible ---$1,080
Christmas Island:
Weekly surf packages in one of our 9 hotels prices ranging:from $420 a week though $1,500.
Transfers and meals included.
See our web sites for Details:
Next open trip Oct 28th.
Please we need you help! We are trying to provide broad band internet service via the RICS to 18 islands of Kiribati that do not have good communications. They need our help.$3,000 per island.Currently telephone is by radio and cost $9 for first three minutes, and for overseas (impossible) $18 for the first 3 minutes. Telegrams to loved ones is 17 cents a word, coma, question mark and Period. People die because of lack of communications.They need our help. See Pacific Tele Ports .comAustralia has donated Unlimited band width to this project.We plan are promoting Amazon.com for the OLPC program, one laptop per child in the whole country. Amazon is selling School Laptops starting in November for $180, and by 2010 the price will drop to $80.
Thank you,
Chuck Corbett
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