Friday, December 01, 2006

Back at Biscayne Bay...

Windy weather is prevailing out of the southeast at 20 knots- this did not make the tarpon happy. In contrast, silver kings like the gusty stuff at nights to push crunchy snacks like crabs towards bridge pilings. But in the rising sun and open water situations, not so. I saw a few roll quickly- not the slow tipping or slurping rolls I like to see. I did catch a small king mackeral of 4 lbs. and a large gray snapper of 3 lbs., both of which made it pleasant. As I worked a seawall, 2 large jacks pushing 20 lbs. blasted one of the remaining finger mullet of a tepid fall run. I flipped a TerrorEyz into the melee, but the bullies wanted real meat.


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