Friday, September 30, 2005

A Summery Fall

Buildups surround Miami...some mushroom into black and gray. Others do a cotton-candy pose, then vanish. Out early today in South Biscayne Bay, which features 84 degree water temperatures. Not surprising in all this heat, plenty of tarpon. While plug casting for them, I let out a 10-pound spinner with a live shrimp. Not 10 seconds after setting the latter down, line flew off it. I grabbed it, closed the bail, and struck. The long runs, surfacings, circling the boat, all without jumping made me think of a permit. After a half-hour battle that wound up a half-mile from the hookup, indeed it was "quicksilver" and a good 25-pounder at that. My day was "made," but i cound not resist plugging some bird-filled channels, and loaded up on jacks, blue runners, and a few nice muttons. The transition to fall can only be felt in shorter days.


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