Sunday, August 26, 2007

Communication from Belize River Lodge re. Hurricane Dean...

Sat, 25 Aug 2007 22:01:06 -0600

Thank you for your thoughts and concerns about us here at BRL on the visit of Dean.

We were very fortunate that this big hurricane kept pretty much on course and made landfall in southern Mexico just north of Belize.

The two northern districts of Belize suffered serious damage to the papaya crop, some houses and other property. There were no injuries or loss of life caused by the storm. Almost everyone paid attention to the official warnings and took necessary precautions, just in case. Here at the lodge we also were being cautious and boarded up and secured boats and equipment as best we could. It was a lot of hard work but the whole staff worked very well and were able to go home to their families well before the storm was expected. The marina was full of boats that came there for safety.

Winds here at the lodge were less than 55 mph causing no damage at all. The river remained at the normal levels and rain was actually less than a normal rainstorm.

So we are thankful that everything worked out well for us; it was a good practice run.

Mike & Marguerite

><(((((((((*> Catch And Release ><(((((((((*>

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